4 motivi per cui dovresti avere un addolcitore in casa


As a homeowner, you might think that a water softener is not important. While it is true that your water may be safe to drink even if you do not have a softener, there are plenty of reasons to consider purchasing a water conditioner for your home. In fact, here are 4 reasons why you should have a water softener in your home.

Reason # 1: Save Money
Believe it or not, having a water softening system in your home can actually help you save money. According to experts, the average family of four can save around $ 2,000 per year by installing a water softener. Not only do these devices help to extend the life of clothing by about 15%, but they also increase the lifespan of appliances by as much as 30%. Furthermore, water heaters work about 30% more efficiently when they are heating soft water and soaps and other cleaners work approximately 50% more effectively with soft water.

Reason # 2: Make it Easier to Keep Your Home Clean
As anyone without a water softener can tell you, hard water leaves behind stains that can be difficult if not impossible to eliminate. People with this problem often have to buy special cleaners to get the residue off their bathtubs, faucets and other appliances and fixtures. Not only is this costly, but it also takes much longer to scrub the hard water stains away. The same is true when it comes to glass and dishes, which will often suffer from spots if you do not have a water softener installed in the home.

Reason # 3: Keep Your Clothes Looking Great
While there are now detergents on the market that are designed specifically for use with hard water, you will still have a difficult time getting your clothes bright and clean when you wash them with this type of water. Furthermore, clothes that are washed with hard water tend to become stiff and do not last as long as clothes that are washed with soft water. So, you can extend the life of your favorite clothes while ensuring they always look their best when you install a water conditioner.

Reason # 4: Let Your Best Side Shine Through
Just as hard water leaves clothes looking dull and stiff, it can also take its toll on your skin and your hair. In fact, those who have soft water typically find that their skin and hair feels much healthier and smoother than those who use hard water. Furthermore, since it is difficult to build up a soapy lather with hard water, you will likely find yourself using more of your personal hygiene products. Yet, despite using more products, you simply will not be able to achieve the look and feel that you desire.