Come evitare problemi idraulici nella tua cucina


The kitchen is one of the busiest part of any home. It is an area of continuous activity. It is no wonder that it is also the part of the house that is commonly associated with plumbing problems, such as clogs down the drain.

Now, why are clogs so common in the kitchen sink? There are a lot of reasons for this. During the preparation of food, for example, some food debris can go unnoticed down the drain. Dish washing can also present a challenge in that you also don’t get to notice that leftover foodstuffs on the dishes also escape down to the drainage system. Since it is not intentional, you may never know that these materials are accumulating little by little, and before you know it, it has come to clog your sink’s drainage system. Complicating the matter is the fact that grease and soap residue also accumulates from washing the dishes, aggregating with food debris to form a clog.

However, there are ways that can be done to prevent it from becoming a major plumbing problem. Once you notice that it takes a longer time than usual for water to go down the drain, it means that a clog is on its way to fully choking your kitchen sink. Before that happens, you can try clearing the clog with a mild liquid solution. Just make sure that the solution itself will not do any damage to the pipes. To help loosen up grease, you can also pour hot water over the sink.If the clog is stubborn, however, you can make use of a plumbing snake to locate and break up the clog.

One practical way to avoid the formation of clogs is by using a drain plug, which also serves as a drainer. Since it traps leftover foodstuffs and other debris from dish washing and cooking activities, you can then scoop up these waste materials for proper disposal. Also refrain from draining grease down the sink, as it hardens easily, and together with other waste materials, could form a clog in your drain. The proper way to dispose of grease is to put it in an assigned container, one that is not used anymore, so that it can be disposed of properly when it hardens.

These are just some of the measures that a homeowner can do to avoid a plumbing problem in his kitchen. Doing these will go a long way towards preventing any major plumbing trouble. There are situations, however, when these simple remedies will not be enough to avoid or resolve the problem. In such a case, calling for the help of a professional plumber will be the more appropriate thing to do.