Cinque motivi per non utilizzare detergenti chimici per lo scarico


Chemical drain cleaners are a commonly washed after solution by homeowners to clear up stoppedped drains. Readily available and accessible, many different brands offer several different configurations that all claim to clear your clog fast. Always advertising the pros of the use of the fix in a bottle, you may not be aware of the dangers of these substances. Most professionals will never recommend the use of these types of solutions in the home and opt for other methods to clear up stoppedped drains. Here are five reasons not to use chemical drain cleaners and their adverse effects.


Chemical drain cleaners, composed of many volatile substances, other than being extremely poisonous, are also extremely corrosive. Since the main purpose of drain cleaning solutions are to remove clogs, their corrosive properties are not just limited to hair, grease and other junk. They pose a threat to plumbing as well as human flesh. Certain chemical components have been known to erode pipes and even eat through skin.

Extremely Toxic

Drain cleaners contain harmful substances that are hazardous to your health if swallowed, inhaled or in coming into contact with your skin. Every label warns of the several hazards of coming into contact with the substance. Having drain cleaner in your home poses you to the danger of the toxicity of the chemicals found in the ingredients.

Damaging to Fixtures

As previously mentioned, drain cleaning solutions are both corrosive and toxic. They pose the threat to not only eat through your clog, but visible plumbing fixtures as well. They may leave pit marks in your sink basin; tarnish your drain covering or even your faucets, depending on what your chemicals come into contact with.

Prone to Splatter

Chemical cleaners, since made of very toxic and reactive chemicals are mere to splatter. Whether while going down your drain or sitting in your pipes, chemical drain cleaner can become a danger to splattering on your skin or even in your eyes. Even while wearing protective gear, the substance can potentially make its way onto other surfaces causing a safety hazard.

Reactive to Substances

Due to the toxicity and volatility of the chemical substances that make up drain cleaning solution, it is highly reactive to other substances. In just one such example, chemicals found in these type of chemical solutions combined with common household items such as bleach can create a very poisonous and toxic chlorine gas.