Come prevenire lo spreco di acqua nei servizi igienici


Do you know that sickening feeling when you flush the toilet and the water level keep rising and rising until you think it’s going to overflow? This not only makes you want to be sick, but it also wastes heaps of water. Nowadays, many people are becoming more ‘water wise’, not because they think that the world’s supply of water is running out, but because water prices have risen significantly over the past years. Toilets are one of the biggest consumers of water in an average, everyday household, so you should take on board these tips to help reduce water wastage in toilets.

Only flush human waste down a toilet . Any solids that are not made by the human body (like chocolate wrappers, plastic objects, paper and food) cause toilets to clog up, and therefore, waste more water. So if you just ate your brother’s chocolate and you want to remove all traces of the wrapper, don’t flush it down the loo – why don’t you put it in your neighbors bin instead?

Check for internal leaks . These slow money-wasters are usually unnoticeable, so you should check monthly tests for them. Internal leaks can be discovered if you put some green food coloring into the tank and then, some hours later, check the toilet bowl for any signs of green. If you can see green, then your toilet must have an internal leak. You may have to replace some parts of your toilet if a leak is present

Don’t use excessive amounts of toilet paper . Did you know that toilet paper is the 3rd most common cause of toilet clogging? It’s a fact, and to stop toilet paper from causing clogging in your toilet, only use toilet paper in small amounts. Sadly, the more layers (or plies) in a piece of toilet paper, the more likely it is to cause toilet clogging. This means that the cheap and nasty toilet paper is actually, so as to speak, ‘better’ for you toilet than the comfy expensive type.

Don’t just ignore a slowly flushing toilet . This is the number one sign of toilet clogging, so don’t dismiss the sign and say ‘my toilet is having a bad day.’ If you don’t act quickly, then the toilet might overflow and spill all of its contents onto the bathroom floor – how nice. Or, in best case scenario, you will just pay the price of toilet clogging in cash. Neither result is desirable, so get it fixed before its too late

Plumbers are there to be used, so do not hesitate to give one a call if your toilet is overflowing, flushing very slowly or not flushing at all. If you notice that after you flush your toilet, the water does not fill up to the normal level, then your toilet needs maintenance. Since toilets (on average) use 27% of your household’s water supplies, you don’t want the added cost of wasted water from leaks, clogs and malfunctions. Take on board the tips above and you will not be spending exorbitant fees on your toilet.