Come utilizzare gli addolcitori per acqua residenziale in modo sano


You should shop around for residential water softeners if you discover white residue on your plates and glassware. This is a sign that your tap water is hard and contains a lot of minerals that cause many household problems. Other problems that these lead to are stained bathroom tiles and tubs, stiff laundry, and dry skin. Sometimes it can also cause your coffee maker and shower heater to malfunction.

Hard water can also create problems with your plumbing and make your pipes clog up. Even your shower head in the bathroom won’t produce a nice spray if hard elements have already blocked your shower fixtures. Once your pipes are clogged up, you will have to replace them. This could become a major problem that will cost you a lot of money. It is not a joke to have pipes all over the house replaced.

You can save yourself a lot of expensive problems if you install a softening system in your house. There are units that can soften water in your kitchen faucet or shower only, and there are larger residential water softeners that can soften water in your entire home. The latter choice might be more practical if you have more than 1 bathroom and need to use treated water for your laundry and dishwasher.

When shopping for a softening system, consider the health issues of people in your household too. The most common softening ingredient used by these machines is sodium. Sodium beads are placed inside the units that replace hard elements with soft ions. Sodium is easy to find and is the most affordable option. The disadvantage of using sodium is the negative effect it can cause to people with heart and kidney problems.

If someone in your household suffers from heart disease, has high blood pressure or has kidney stones, you should consider using residential water softeners that use potassium instead of sodium. Potassium does not contain salt unlike sodium beads. People with heart and kidney disease should not ingest salt that is found in sodium softeners.

If you still want to use sodium as a softening ingredient due to its affordability and practicality, then have a plumber create a water pipe for your kitchen that does not pass through your softening system. People in your household who have salt restricted diets can get water from this outlet.

You can also cook using this untreated water. The rest of the household can benefit from soft water but you don’t have to drink it if you can’t take in sodium.