I danni che l'allagamento può fare alla tua casa


Cold weather is upon us, and that can mean frozen pipes if we’re not careful. While some areas may not see dramatic dips in temperature, it does not mean that they are safe from burst pipes. of course, in warmer climes, homes are not free from flooding either. Older, defecting plumbing can quickly escalate into a major flooding, effectively ruining an entire house. Most of these problems can be avoided with biannual plumbing inspections.


Plumbing issues can range from minor issues like a leaky faucet, to major flooding due to a main pipe bursting. The results of these issues are reflective of the severity of the problem. With minor leaking from a faucet or tap, houses can develop a mold problem. Mold can be easily remedied by bleaching the area where the mold is growing, and replacing the tap. If the leak has been left for an extended period of time, then the mold may need to be professionally removed.

But sometimes, the leak is unknown and not easily remedied with a new faucet or shower head. Leaky pipes in walls can create cause massive areas of mold growth. Since the leak isn’t easily detected, the mold can remain in it’s darken abode, continuing to grow exponentially. Massive amounts of mold in walls can lead to respiratory problems for homeowners, who can end up being hospitalized for infection and in severe cases, even death.

Burst pipes leaking copious amounts of water in a short period of time can lead to excessive mold growth too, which will require a professional team to remove, but it will also require the insight of a professional plumbing team to determine where the leak started. Whether it’s a simple drippy faucet or unseen leak in the walls, make certain the problem is fixed properly by an experienced plumber.

Water Damage

As if mold growth wasn’t bad enough for homeowners, if pipes burst, your entire house can be flooded in no time, ruining furniture and floors quickly. Depending on the location of the pipe, only a small portion of the house may be affected or an entire floor may be underwater, which is why it is important to have your pipes inspected regularly.

Many houses have outdated or decaying pipes, which will be problematic for homeowners. Old or faulty pipes are the leading cause of water damage in a house, and if it is a main drain pipe, the water damage can be so bad that the entire house is unlivable. To avoid these issues, you should have your plumbing inspected at least twice a year: once before winter begins and once after, to ensure that no damage was incurred during the cold of winter. Having biannual inspection can keep your home safe and sound for a very long time.