La necessità della pulizia degli scarichi


Most homes need and have some sort of drainage system and that system will need to be cleaned at some point in time. It has been documented that some of the earliest drainage systems were built around 3100 BC in the Indus River Valley. These systems covered both homes and businesses of the time. Since it is necessary to clean the drains in our homes, it is important that you know how they work.

Early drain cleaning systems worked through the use of gravity and linked the buildings to the rivers which carried the gunk away from the cities and towns toward to the waterways. After Rome fell, much knowledge was lost and the great Roman drainage systems were replaced by what we now know of as gutters that now drained along the roadways towards the river. As Europe moved into the Industrial Revolution, they invented new drains that could handle liquids that were left over from manufacturing.

Garbage and other waste was sent to the river until the mid 1800s when the Industrial Revolution sanitation systems started separating human waste from industrial waste. Human waste started getting pumped to places where it could be separated and treated so that dangerous organisms within it can be removed. As Science and technology improved in the next century, scientists have been able to monitor its impact on the environment.

These modern drainage systems now have traps so that hazardous materials will not accidentally get put into the area’s water system. These are known as “s” traps and are commonly found behind the toilets and in sink drains. Not only do these traps catch hazardous waste, but also they trap the gases that build up in time and prevent them from causing problems in the sewer system. These gases are then vented away from the building.

Before any chemicals are used in our draining cleaning process, check any traps that can be found in the lowest part of the drain near the sewer pipe. These can usually be removed, then snaked. Often shower and tub drain cleaning is fairly simple and can be cleaned by just taking the cover off the drain and taking out any hair and other materials that may get caught, causing the back up. Cleaning up any traps occasionally while running hot water through the drains can help reduce the need for using harmful chemicals.

If you do end up needing chemicals for drain cleaning, make sure that you follow the package instructions perfectly so that you are using them safely around your family, especially since the chemicals are often corrosive and toxic. Following all safety procedures, such as gloves and eye protection. You may also need to wait a suggested amount of time before determining whether or not the chemical worked and if a second application is needed.