L'importanza della corretta ispezione e sostituzione delle fosse settich


No one ever thinks about what happens to the waste and water once they have flushed the toilet, that is just a fact of life. For those of us whose homes are on urban water systems, we never will have to think about it. But, for those of us who own homes hooked up to septic systems, it is another maintenance issue that simply cannot be ignored. No matter how new or how old your home is, you need to have a regularly scheduled septic tank inspection and replacement costs may be avoided by spotting issues before they become emergencies.

How a Septic System Works

Most septic systems will include large holding tanks for storage, usually made out of plastic, but older ones may be steel or concrete. These tanks hold all of the household waste, especially the water and waste released when you flush the toilet. At some point the tank will be filled to its maximum level, and will need to have the waste disposed of in some fashion. This is usually done in one of three ways: by being pumped out, having bacteria or chemicals added that will break down and destroy the waste, or by allowing it to be drained into the soil through a leech field.

Like all hard working systems, eventually time will run its course, and maintenance will need to be done. Because septic systems are usually buried underground, it can be hard to tell when it is time for regular maintenance, and that is the main reason why regularly scheduled septic tank inspection and replacement assessments are so important. There can be a lot involved with doing even the basic maintenance on such a system, and being able to avoid major problems or even potential problems will insure that the cost of doing so will not skyrocket unnecessarily.

How Does an Inspection Work? How Often Should It Be Done?

Even if your particular septic system uses a leech field, or has decomposition additives used to break down the waste, it still should be pumped out on a regular basis, so that the service technicians can have a chance to inspect it for maintenance issues. Small tanks will require this more often than larger tanks, of course, and even if your system has water conservation measures in place, it still should be pumped out and inspected at least once every three to five years.

A good and thorough inspection should involve not only a visual check of the tank, connectors and drainage points, as well as the leech field, but the tank should be opened as often as possible, and the inside inspected. There are tests that field service agents can perform to test the function of the tank itself, like adding dye to the water to test for leaks. Any baffles or lids should also be checked for signs of wear and tear, as well as any connections and connecting pipes that the technician can reach readily.

Signs that Replacement is Needed

If you are in the market to purchase a home that is connected to a septic tank system, you should have a proper inspection done right away. Not all prior owners reveal the true facts about the system, or may not even know that it is close to being repaired or replaced. The more you know, the more prepared you will be for potential problems down the road. If the tank in the installed system is steel or concrete, you may want to negotiate getting it replaced right away.

Steel tanks rust, and may develop breaks and leaks that will eventually cause the leech field to be flooded. Concrete tanks break down over time, and if the area where the tank is buried is near the home, chances are something has been driven over it at some point. Even the smallest car has the potential to break down a concrete tank by exerting added pressure at a weak point. If water has reached the surface of the leech field, the leaks are extensive, and it is far past the point where any septic tank inspection and replacement check will help.