Manutenzione della fossa settica – 5 fattori essenziali per sistemi settici adeguati


A septic system works as a mini sewage treatment facility mostly built on homes located on areas wherein access to local sewage system is quite difficult. While most are built to last a lifetime, improper septic tank maintenance can lead to damage and early malfunction of the septic system. Thus important points must be remembered in order to keep an effective septic tank system.

The following are the most important points in proper care.

Controlling water input

Water input may seem to have no effect in everyday use, however too much water going down the tank may cause major problems. Overloading the tank with water may slow down the anaerobic digestion process in the system that makes effective. Overflows on the drain field or seepage field may happen that may include floating scum other than the liquids inside the tank that may further cause health and environmental problems.

Chemicals Not To Flush or Pour Down The Drain

Bleach used in cleaning the kitchen sink and bathroom go down the drains to the tank and may be quite detrimental to the system. Though may seem harmless, it actually hinders the natural biological decomposition process inside. The use of more recent oxygen-based bleach for cleaning is recommended. Bleaches and other highly highly concentrated chemicals as well as solvents, paints, grease and other inorganic chemicals such as pesticides can cause damage to the tanks components.

Use of Natural Bacterial Septic Tank Additives

Contrary to popular belief, chemicals such as bleach should not be used. Proper care includes adding natural bacteria into the tank. It increases its effectiveness in breaking down the wastes material. By increasing the natural biological activity in the tank it can reverse a failing system into a healthier waste management system.

Solid waste control

While organic solid wastes can be decomposed by the anaerobic bacteria present in the waste system, it is not recommended to flush them down the drain for a better operations. The decomposition process takes time and excessive solid waste accumulation may lead to early filling out of tank since the decomposition of these solids may not cope up with the waste input. The disposal of non-organic solid wastes into the tank may not only aggravate the situation but may actually give rise to more serious problems such as pipe blockages and failure.

Periodic septic tank inspection

While this may only be necessary every several years, it is important nevertheless to avoid abrupt problems occurring to the system. Depending on the capacity of the tank, periodic maintenance procedures must include inspection of the overall septic tank system. It should include checking levels of accumulated solids, floating scum and the water being discharge by the system to the drain field.

Understanding the above items and applying them in everyday use may lead to more effective septic tank. Proper septic tank care may not seem important to most home owners since its functions are well hidden in the household, however if willfully neglected may lead the owner to suffer costly repairs, as well as health and environmental issues.