Tipi di sistemi di condizionamento dell'acqua


Are you in the market to purchase a new water conditioning system? If so, it is important for you to learn more about the various options that are available for you to select from. By gaining a solid understanding of your options, you will be better prepared to select the water conditioning system that is best for you and your household.

Exploring Traditional Water Softener Options

When it comes to purchasing a traditional water softener, there are five basic categories to select from. These include:

  • Manual – requires you to manually open and close the valve that controls the frequency, rate and time for recharging or backflushing.
  • Semi-Automatic – requires you to initiate the recharging cycle through the push of a button, but the unit controls and completes the recharging process on its own.
  • Automatic – typically comes with a timer that is capable of automatically initiating the recharging cycle and all other steps in the process. You are only responsible for setting the timer and adding the salt as it is needed.
  • Demand Initiated Regeneration (DIR) – the unit automatically responds to your household’s water use demand. These units typically have two softening tanks as well as a brine tank. While one of the softening tanks is softening the water, the other is recharging.
  • Off-Site Regeneration – requires you to physically replace the softening tank with a recharged tank. The spent softening tanks are recharged at a central location. This system is most frequently used with rental units.

Within each of these categories, there are several different options to select from. Therefore, it is important to consider your lifestyle, the size of your home and your personal needs when determining which of these options is best for you.

Get Rid of the Salt with a Salt-Free Conditioning Systems

Of course, if you don’t want to deal with the hassles of replacing salt or manually setting your water conditioner, you might want to consider purchasing a salt-free conditioning system. Salt-free water systems utilize a scientific process known as chelation. Chelation makes the problematic minerals in the water soluble, thereby preventing hard water problems. Not only does this prevent hard water, but it also slowly eliminates the scale build-up that occurs from hard water. As a result, saltless water conditioners that use chelation technology can actually help remove scale build-up from fixtures, appliances, pipes, dishes and even your hair and body. The same type of technology is used in detergents that are used to overcome hard water problems, such as Tide Total Care, Calgon and Dove. Some saltless water systems use a citrus-based formula that has been FDA-approved and safe to use for drinking water and all other purposes. The formula is tasteless, odor-free and colorless, which means you will never notice it in your water.