4 Potenziali problemi idraulici domestici


Most people take their home plumbing for granted. When they turn on the faucet, water appears. The drains and toilets work without any problem. But when plumbing problems begin to appear, that’s when many homeowners begin to panic.

Here are four signs that your plumbing has problems, things you can do to try to fix the problem, and when it’s time to call a professional plumber.

The never-ending drip

A leaky faucet that drips at the rate of one drip per second can waste more than 3,000 gallons of water per year. If you are leaking hot water, you are paying for wasted energy as well. But ignoring the problem leads to a lot of wasted water and higher water bills. Small leaks can be a symptom of other plumbing problems. Fixing a leaky faucet may be something a homeowner can fix. But if there are questions as to the cause of the leak, it’s better to have a plumber check it out.

The drain that works too slowly

If your sink or tub takes too long to drain, the problem may be caused by hair or another blockage. There are products designed to break up and clear stopped up drains. However, overuse of these chemicals can damage your pipes. For a stubborn or recurring blockage, you may need the help of a professional plumber who can use tools such as a drain snake to fix the problem.

Toilet trouble

Toilets often back up, and sewage lines become stopped up from time to time. Sometimes this may be caused by a small blockage that can be cleared with a plunging. Serious problems may exist if the blockages become a regular problem, or the water in your toilet bowl fills up too high or too low. If your toilet makes unusual sounds, or your smell foul odors, this may also indicate a sewage problem. You’ll want to call a plumber in this instance.

Water appears in all the wrong places

Never underestimate the damage that water can create. Even small leaks can eventually cause structural damage to structures and create conditions that may lead to mold growth. Leaking sewer pipes can seep water through basement floors and walls. If you notice water or dampness, and you cannot trace the source, it’s time to contact your local plumber.

Your kitchen accounts for about ten percent of your household water consumption. Do regular maintenance checks of your kitchen pipes. Check for water stains or leaks under your sink and near the walls.

Common home plumbing problems are usually just an inconvenience. However, if a leak or stoppage is not fixed, it can lead to larger, more expensive problems down the road.