Preparare un rinnovamento


Ever started a renovation or remodeling job and ended up paying a lot more than you budgeted for? Most of the time this extra expenditure comes from a discovery of things done incorrectly within the plumbing of the space you’ve chosen to renovate. Sometimes the drainage may have been put together improperly or is dated, or sometimes the appliances or fixtures may have been installed incorrectly. No matter what the reason, these incorrect plumbing discoveries during your renovation may unveil mold, rot or other costly issues.

Here we will delve into a few things regarding your plumbing that you could discover during a renovation. Hopefully understanding these things will help you be more prepared for taking them on when they come your way.

Drainage- When working on a renovation or addition, you may find that your home’s drainage was put together using old clay piping. Building codes make it so that you cannot add to your home above a clay drainage system. So instead of tip-toeing around your old drainage system, it may end up being better to just go in and remove your old drainage system and replace it with one that is more modern, efficient, and effective.

Hot water heaters- Your current home was made with a hot water heater that is supposed to provide enough water for your current needs. If you are adding appliances or fixtures that require hot water, then you will likely need a new hot water heater in order to handle the larger load.

Rot- Tearing out your shower to put in a new one, but, to your surprise, you find that the wood around your shower has rotted due to improper installation? This will be quite a surprise when you get the bill for fixing all of the rotted wood, and you must fix it, or else the integrity of your shower will not be reliable.

So you may go into a renovation with a strict budget that you’re looking to match, but if that is the way you want to do it, you need to set apart some money for contingencies. If you do this, then you will not find yourself completely depressed due to your findings of problems here and there that must be fixed during the renovation. Whether your problems include old plumbing systems that need to be updated, increases in hot water needs, or rot found due to improper installation, if you have a contingency set aside in your budget, you will feel much more confident going into your renovation or addition .