Acqua in movimento con pompe diesel


Throughout history some of the biggest problems the human race has faced involve water being in one location when it is needed in another. There might be too much precipitation at one time of the year, and not enough in the other seasons. Maybe there is a lot of the wet stuff, but it is far underground and there is none on the surface where it can be used.

Moving this life-giving liquid is an endless challenge and through the ages innovative people have developed ever-improving solutions. Every school child has seen pictures of Egyptian slaves carrying heavy buckets, suspended from a yoke across the shoulders, from the river to the fields that needed to be irrigated. The Romans had (and still have) their aqueduct. Canals and irrigation ditches carry water to where it is needed if where it is needed is reasonably downhill from where it starts.

The problems arise when water is needed someplace that is not downstream from the source or when digging ditches is not practical. Once up on a time, at least in the movies, people could get all the water they needed out of a well simply by dropping a bucket down and pulling it back up with the help of a hand-cranked winch. That worked fine as long as the water was no farther down than your rope would reach.

However if any liquid has to be lifted from deep in the earth or has to be moved from a lower place to a higher place a pump is called for. There are all sorts of pumps, designed for different purposes. However what they all have in common is that they require power to operate.

If you just want a pump to operate your backyard ornamental fountain you might go with an electric pump. However if you are working on a project miles from the nearest electrical outlet you might consider alternatives. Of course even if you are too far out in the wilderness to run a power cord to your house you could use a generator.

But a generator needs a source of power too. Solar power is up-and-coming but still developing. Gas and diesel are options. If all your other tools and vehicles run on diesel you might as well power your generator with diesel too. But if you are going to do that you might as well just get a diesel pump and get on with your work.