Aiuto idraulico per l'acquisto di scaldabagni


When it comes to plumbing, having a professional by your side to help when you are making important investment decisions makes sense. That is the case when it comes to water heater buying. This one system in your home can play a big role not only in the overall comfort of it, but also in the safety present. Did you know that gas leaks from these heaters start hundreds of fires each year? Did you know that without hot water to wash hands and dishes that the spread of disease and illness can take a matter of minutes? You need the right system and you need it installed properly.

The Types Available

The first step to discuss with your plumbing professional is what type of water heater is right for your home. Today, there are numerous options. Your budget, home setup, and desires will all factor into your buying decision. A conventional system is a ready reservoir that holds heated water in a tank. Another option is a demand (or tankless) system. These do not hold water but heat water when you turn on the faucet. Another option is a heat pump system, which will move heat from one place to another instead of generating the heat from another fuel source such as gas or electricity. You could invest in a solar heated tank as well. Discuss how well each type would fit within your home with your plumber before buying one.

Fuel Type Considerations

The next buying decision is the fuel type. Depending on the selected system type, you may want to choose a heater that uses electricity or gas fuel. If you have selected solar power, ensure you know the components that go into this type of system setup.

Size and Efficiency

Two other factors to consider are the cost efficiency and the size of the system. Most heaters provide information on their efficiency. Energy Star products are the best options available. These are rated based on efficiency compared to similar models. Most systems also note the household size they provide enough energy for. Use this information and any guidelines provided by your plumber, to know the actual size you need.


It is a good idea to consider cost last. Finding the right heater is critical because it can help to provide you with comfortable, reliable heated water when you need it. At the same time, you also need to find something within your budget. It is also important to consider the warranty available.

A plumbing professional should do water heater installation. This ensures the setup is done within code and other regulations. It can also ensure that your warranty is not invalided by mistakes in the installation process. Finding a water heater that is right for you is a process starting with getting expert help.