Alternative alla sostituzione del sistema settico


Everything in the world today falls victim to the second law of thermodynamics, which states that (and I paraphrase) everything is constantly wearing down and subject to breaking apart. This is especially true with septic tanks because once the concrete begins to crumble the entire tank, and sometimes the entire system, will have to be replaced. If you have ever had to deal with the replacement of the septic system in your house, then you understand how much of a headache it can be to coordinate and pay for the repairs. However, now there are several septic alternatives that you can set in place to help yourself reduce the cost of a new septic system and prolong the life of a system or replace the system all together.

Of the most common septic alternatives is composting toilets. These focus on more natural waste breakdown and combine the waste with natural elements for rejuvenating effects that can assist you with effectively and efficiently recycling the waste. The two main types of composting toilet styles are the central system and the self-contained units.

Self-contained units are designed for a single room, so you do not have to completely overhaul the waste disposal system of your entire home if you do not want to. They are designed the replace a single toilet and include a vent that must be installed through the roof. While they are fairly simple in design, they cost a lot more if you have several of them operating in your home and they do not function quite as quickly as the centralized composting toilet systems.

The other style of composting toilet units, is the centralized system. This design functions very similarly to the septic system that you have in your home right now. The only major difference is the compost cell that collects all of the waste. The centralized units feature plumbing that allows you to connect all of your sinks, drains, and toilets to one singular disposal pipe that feeds through the basement and into the compost tank in the ground below. While these systems are quite effective, more so than the self-contained units, they can be very costly to install as you will have to reroute a lot of the plumbing you already have installed, as well as install a new tank beneath your house or somewhere on your property very near your house. They also require that you add things such as special soil and other additives to assist in the decomposition process, though this does not require you to come into direct contact with your waste like you would in the case of regular compost pile. The collection unit has a handle that you must rotate every couple of days to ensure that the composting mixture does not become stagnant.

The centralized systems require some maintenance and upkeep to prevent break down and to assist in proper functioning; however, they do not cost nearly as much as it would to replace a regular septic system and drain field which can be cost up to $50,000.