Come eliminare i tubi congelati e le riparazioni costos


If you put a can of soda in your freezer for an extended period of time it will explode. This is because when water freezes, it expands and builds pressure. If water freezes in your pipes it will meet the same fate as your soda can, causing serious damage to your home, landscape, or business.

Let it run

One of the key ways to avoid frozen pipes is to let faucets drip during extremely cold weather. An open faucet provides relief from built up pressure caused by ice blockages. The pressure is what causes the pipe to burst and relieving this pressure will eliminate the problem.

Eliminate water waste

Since dripping faucets waste water you will only want to open faucets that are vulnerable to freezing. Vulnerable pipes run through unheated or unprotected areas. Only a small amount of dripping is necessary to relieve the pressure where it’s needed. Make sure that both hot and cold water are dripping as well since pipes connected to either of these are subjected to freezing. If you turn on a faucet and water fails to come out then the pipe is most likely frozen. Leave the faucet open regardless to relieve pressure, and call a plumber right away to avoid serious damage and costly repairs.


You’ll want to insulate your pipes with rubber or fiberglass. Either will do the trick and be sure to insulate along the entire length of the pipe. Keep in mind that insulation is designed to retain the heat that is already in the pipe. It does not add heat. Also, be cautious when insulating with fiberglass because it can cause severe irritations to eyes, and skin.

If a pipe bursts

You’ll want to shut off the main valve immediately if a pipes bursts. You might be able to unthaw it with a hair dryer but for quicker and more efficient results contact your local Utah plumbing contractor for assistance.