Come l'acqua scatena il caos in una casa


Homeowners should be aware of the types of water damage that can affect a home. To prevent such problems, a homeowner should have basic knowledge of the various causes that can lead to damage and health risks. With this information, certain problems can be avoided while others can be repaired immediately when signs of an issue first appear.

Heavy or continuous rainfall can lead to flooding when storm drains get backed up and cannot redirect the water to natural bodies. During major storms, such as tropical depressions and hurricanes, flooding is a main concern of property owners due to the greatly increased rainfall and violent winds, which cause damage to roofs. When a home becomes flooded, the basement is usually the first area that is impacted because of its underground location. Besides natural disasters, internal flooding can also be caused by malfunctioning or broken pipes within the structure. Damage from flooding is widespread and can affect the structural integrity of a home as well as interior fixtures and furniture. When flooding is not dealt with in a timely manner, the wooden beams and supports within a home can become compromised leading to possible collapses and other disastrous consequences.

If a pipe has a slow leak, the damage can go unnoticed for some time, which can lead to weakened structures and problems with mold growth. It can be difficult for residents to notice a slow leak since the effects will happen gradually over a period of time and are often accidentally ignored. When a home becomes infected with mold, the health risks are great and can lead to respiratory problems and other serious medical complications. Since mold grows best in cool, dark places, it often goes unnoticed within the walls and underneath the flooring of a house. Homes are supposed to be kept at low humidity levels to avoid mold growth, but with slow leaks that are not apparent, the problem can creep up on a homeowner and become a serious health concern for all occupants. A leak in the roof can cause similar effects and starts within the attic and upper levels of the building, which can persist without any visual symptoms until the damage spreads. This can be a particularly serious problem since many property owners rarely frequent their attics, but store items of personal value that are ruined by water and mold contamination.

There are other interior malfunctions that could cause damage to a home, such as leaking appliances and sewage backups. Problems with appliances should be dealt with and repaired at the first sign of leakage to avoid expensive fixes and health concerns. Homeowners are advised to have routine checks performed throughout their homes to detect water damage risks and find solutions before the problem gets out of hand.