Come mantenere idraulici non ostruiti


When you turn on your water faucet and you see only a trickle of water coming through it can be really annoying. Plumbing problems are among the worst that can happen in your home, and you should take a few precautions to help preventing problems.

The water lines in your home are highly unlikely to clog unless you have hard water of sediment in your pipes. The minerals in the hard water may be deposited on the insides of pipes, reducing the diameter inside of the pipes. Eventually it will get so bad that it will reduce your water to a slight trickle. A solution to this problem could be adding a water softener system to your plumbing.

Aerators on faucets and some shower heads have small holes which can become clogged from sediment. Aerators can be removed and taken a part and cleaning. If the shower has a removable head, take it off and scrape off any crust on the inside of the head. If you can’t remove the head, try sticking a pin through every hole. You should clean aerators and shower heads about three times a year. But, you are like most people you will just wait for that annoying trickle to happen again.

Clogged drains are more serious and you should do everything you can to prevent them from clogging. The key to keeping your drains run solid is to find out what clogs them and avoid doing it. The most common cause of clogged kitchen drains are hot fat pouring down them. When the fat cools off it hardens and clogs your pipe. The restricted space then turns into a food collector and eventually clogs. Pouring hot water down doesn’t really do much. It just puts it further into your system to it clogs deeper inside.

Bathroom clogs are usually caused by human hair. After a shampoo, some hair inevitably gets into the drain and gets caught on the filter or drain control. When enough hair gets in, it clogs the drain. About twice a year you should pull out the drain and clean off the hair.

A toilet drain will rarely clog unless something falls into it that shouldn’t. A common difficulty arises when objects such a brush or toothbrush is left lying in the tank. Best solution would be a plunger or a snake. If you own a septic system be sure to read the instructions before putting anything down your system.