Come sarebbe il mondo senza idraulici?


It’s an interesting question isn’t it?

When you first consider this question, you might not think the world be that much different if there were no plumbers, but when you explore all the things that plumbers provide to society today, you’ll start to realize just how valuable plumbers are.

Plumbers provide drinking water to society. If there were no plumbers, then there would never be facilities created to filter water that is sent to communities to drink. There would also be no pipes that would shuttle that water into the communities, and there would be no faucets to retrieve the water from within the communities. Instead, every day people would have to go down to a stream (hopefully you live by a water source), fetch water with a bucket, and then bring it home, and boil it to remove any germs. This would take up a vast amount of time, and keep you from doing much else throughout your day.

Plumbers also provide working toilets in every home. If there were no plumbers to create, install, and maintain toilets, then your habits of relieving yourself would be quite different than they are today. You would likely have an outhouse in your yard, so rain or shine, snow or sleet, you’d be running out to your outhouse multiple times per day. Out in your outhouse you would sit atop a wooden structure and relieve yourself into a large hole that has been dug in the ground … sounds awesome right?

Lastly, plumbers are responsible for your warm showers. Without plumbers, you would likely be sharing the same bath water with your entire family in order to cleanse yourself. Imagine that, a few times per week you would bathe your dirty, sticky children in bath water, and then your spouse would climb in there after a long day’s work, and then finally you’d crawl into that cess pool of bath water .. . thank goodness we don’t have to do that today right?

Well if it weren’t for plumbers, all of these things would be a reality. You’d fetch and boil water every day. You’d go to the bathroom outside in a big hole in the ground. You’d take baths in water that is shared by your whole family. If none of this sounds enjoyable to you, then you should thank a plumber for all they do. Without plumbers, the world would be a very different place.