Ispezione della linea della videocamera per la diagnosi di perdite e ostruzioni


A slow or clogged drain can be frustrating and may turn into a bigger problem if not properly cleared. A spike in your water bill could mean that you have a leak in your pipes. When plumbing issues arise, it is important to enlist the help of a professional plumber. He has access to the latest technology, including video line inspection that allows him to visually inspect your plumbing system without digging up your yard.

There are a variety of reasons that your drain can become clogged. The build up of grease, hair, and food particles can cause your drain to run slow or clog completely. Homemade solutions and harsh chemicals that can be used to break down obstructions in your pipes. Unfortunately, these tactics are not always successful at clearing the clog.

Leaks can occur underground without your knowledge. Tree roots are notorious for damaging pipes and causing cracks. When you notice that your water bill has gotten higher and higher, you will need to call a plumber to diagnose the issue.

One of the advantages that a plumber has over the average homeowner is the use of specialized video cameras that allow him to visually inspect your lines in order to diagnose a plumbing problem. This innovative technology eliminates guesswork and allows the plumber to diagnose the situation so that he can fix it effectively and prevent further problems from arising.

During the inspection, a mini camera is guided through your sewer pipes. As the camera moves through the pipes, the plumber is able to see leaks, matter build up, broken pipes, root damage, and other obstructions. This process gives your plumber visually information about your plumbing system so that he can properly diagnose and fix the problem areas. The video can even be recorded so that he can review it more closely if needed.

There are many benefits to using video camera line inspection. The first is that it requires much less time and expense than trying to locate the leak or clog without it. Because the problem areas are easily targeted, the plumber will not have to dig up various areas of your yard looking for the problem. It can cut the length of your service call down dramatically, saving you money on labor costs.

Another benefit to video line inspection is that the plumber is able to identify the specific problem so that he can fix it correctly the first time. Inspection of your entire plumbing system means that all problems can be fixed without worrying that something was missed or having to call back because the problem was not completely repaired. Once the plumber has cleared the line and fixed any leaks or damaged areas, he will use the video camera line inspection to verify that the pipes are clean and all areas have been repaired.

There certainly are many plumbing issues that homeowners can take care of themselves. However, when it comes to the pipes buried under your yard, call a professional plumber. With video line inspection he can identify and fix any problems that may occur.