Ispezioni idrauliche prima di acquistare una casa


Is there anything more exciting than purchasing your first home? You get the jitters while searching around for a perfect home and piece of property to fit your needs. You go back and forth on which location will be the best choice. Finally you decide on a home and property combination, and you make your offer! Your offer is accepted, and it is time for a thorough inspection.

If you decided to go through with purchasing a home without getting it inspected, you could very well end up in a lot of trouble. Sometimes even beautiful homes can conceal debilitating problems within their walls.

Maybe there is an infestation of termites eating away at the wood of your “would-be” home. Maybe there is water damage that needs to be fixed before a mold problem ensues. Maybe the roof has structural problems due to age that make it so that the roof will need to be replaced.

All of these problems, and more, are possible and, without a good inspection, would be your problem the moment you agreed to purchase that home.

Plumbing is an important thing to inspect within the home you are considering purchasing.

Here are a few problems that are easy for inspectors to find that can help save you money while in the process of purchasing your new home:

  • Leaking under the sink: Whether it be the kitchen sink, the bathroom sink, or any other sink within your home, leaking from the pipes underneath the sink can cause problems for you as a new homeowner.
  • Leaking from the toilet or bath: Can you imagine standing somewhere on your first floor and starting to feel rain falling on your face … inside ?! If toilets or bathtubs leak, that water can end up soaking through the floor and dripping down into the bottom floor causing lots of damage for you to clean up after.
  • Aged sewer line: If your sewer line is too old, you will end up needing to replace it promptly. This can cost you a pretty penny. And if you do not end up replacing it before it breaks, you will end up with a huge mess of sewer within your home or in your landscaped yard.

Finding these problems before signing the paperwork can be a huge benefit to any prospective homeowner. Once your inspector discovers the problem, you will be able to request that the current homeowner fix the problems before you purchase the home. This is much better than being stuck with a home that is leaking and creaking at every bend.