La tua casa è più vulnerabile ai danni causati dall'acqua durante le festività natalizie?


Many great memories can be made during the holiday season. Many home owners get great pleasure from being able to entertain family and friends every year, and while this can be extremely rewarding, there are some unseen issues that may be lurking that can bring about the possibility of water damage if not given the attention that they need. In order to prevent this type of disaster from occurring in your own home this holiday season, consider a few ways to make your home less vulnerable to the effects of water before hand.

As the holiday season approaches, you may want to take a look around your home and think about what items could easily be damaged if exposed to water. This list of items may include the carpet in the living room, the hard wood possibly located in the kitchen and entrance to the home, and any furniture covered in fabric you may have in your home. Once you have determined what items are most vulnerable to damage if exposed to water, it is time to think about what options you may have to make those items less vulnerable.

The reason water can be such a threat during this time of year is that inclement weather tends to follow along with the colder months, and with it comes the rain. As friends and family travel to your home to celebrate with you in the festivities, they will become soaked by the time they reach your front door. This is when the threat of water related issues comes to any carpet or hardwood you may have on your floor, because you can rest assured that there will be water dripping off of your guests coats and shoes. Even though it may not be visually appealing, you need to place towels on the floor in the foyer of your home. And even though there may be some risk of creating discomfort to some of the guests, you need to have a rule that nobody wears wet shoes past the foyer and into the rest of your home. This will help quite a bit because it will reduce the chances of any water dripping off of a guest and settling into the floor.

Another place of concern that you will need to pay close attention to is the kitchen. When most people entertain in their homes, it is a sure bet that it will include providing food, drinks, and snacks to all of the guests. With this in mind, you should obviously be concerned about drinks and other liquid items being spilled on the kitchen and dining room floors. While you never want a liquid resting on your floor for a period of time, you have a safer bet of remaining damage free if this takes place on a tile floor. However, if your have any other type of flooring, this could spell disaster by the end of the night. While you will not want to cover your kitchen and dining room floors with towels as you did in the foyer, you will want to do everything that you can to keep these floors dry as well. Be sure to mention to your guests to please be careful when taking drinks and food from the table, and stick around these areas to keep a close watch on what is going on. Your best defense to avoid possible water damage in these areas is to simply be ready to react immediately if something is dropped or spilled.

By taking these few precautionary measures seriously and adopting some watchful habits now, you can be sure to enjoy this upcoming holiday season without having to worry about suffering any type of water damage as a result of inviting loved ones into your home.