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Many businesses have switched from floor mounted toilets to wall mounted toilets, simply because they are an aesthetical and more sanitary method of providing the public clean restrooms. One thing is certain and that is nobody wanted to visit an unclean restroom facility.

Wall Mounted toilets are becoming the top choice for public restrooms

With ordinary toilet there are more risks of having overflows and clogged drains. A wall mounted toilet is a safer and dryer toilet to offer the male patrons of any business. There is still a stall or two of regular floor mounted toilets for those that are shy or just prefer to be secluded when relieving themselves. A lot of men in a hurry do not worry much with using the stalls as it is easier to use the wall mounted units.

Although many men prefer either or, and some do not care either way; a wall mounted toilet is a much better choice for the owners of the facility because they have fewer problems with running over and clogging up. This kind of toilet is protected from running over because they do not use a lot of water to flush and rinse the toilet. One flush is generally sufficient to rinse the toilet after being used.

Companies that are trying to reduce their footprint on earth are switching to wall mounted toilets

To flush an ordinary toilet and have water return takes more water than using a wall mounted unit. This type of toilet use weigh less water than their cousin the floor mounted toilet. Using less water is a goal that every individual and company should have on their minds. When we use excessive amounts of water the earth suffers and it causes major shortages of water in the larger cities.

Homeowners are also switching to these toilets in homes with more than one male staying in them. Regardless of whether the restroom is public or personal the wall mounted unit takes up less space and in the case of the business facility it is wise to offer more than one or two toilets for public use.

Larger businesses and corporations are using one long wall to mount numerous toilets as well as providing several of the stalls. Offering more public toilets ensures that all customers and employees are able to use the facility at one time. This provides companies with the ability to save time on bathroom breaks.