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Why Drains Smell
It’s happened to every apartment dweller or home owner. You open the door and upon entering your home, you immediately sense a familiar, albeit unpleasant, odor. No matter how immaculate dwellers keep their home, drains can emit a gaseous odor. The reasons why drains smell may be a direct result of a clog in the drain line or a bigger problem like sewer gases. A minor clog in the drain can be remedied by use of a commercial drain opener. If a clogged drain does not respond to drain openers, it’s time to call the plumber. The clog may be further into the drain pipes and inaccessible. Or, it may be the clog is too large or too impenetrable to disperse with a chemical drain opener. At least, this problem is easy to solve.

Sewer Gases In Your Drains
When the problem is sewer gases emitted from your drains, you will still need a plumber to verify this is the cause of the odors. He can use a professional drain snake to clear drains as far as needed to detect the source of the odors. Sewer gases should be reported immediately as they can be hazardous to your health. Your plumber is your best consultant for this particular situation. He will either arrange with the proper municipal authorities to remediate the problem or he may provide a report stipulating that he has checked your drains and no clogs exist. He will include in his report that he has performed a complete drainage check and in his assessment, the problem isn’t a clog but sewer gases.

Why Are Odors In Drains Stronger in High Temperatures?
If there is a buildup of various coagulating materials on the interior of drains, this may be the root cause of some odors. When temperatures rise, so do the odors from drains. This is usually when most home owners or apartment dwellers notice their drains smell stronger. Check with a reputable plumber who can provide the best information on how to reduce drain odors. It may be as simple as regular maintenance with household products like baking soda or vinegar. These are natural ingredients and do not add toxicity to drains or sewers beyond the property line. For a more thorough drain cleaning for continuous drain smells, consider having a professional plumber come in once or twice a year to maintain your drain lines. Regular maintenance can quickly reduce the number of incidences of drain odors.

Set Up A Regular Maintenance Plan
As with other areas of a home, regular maintenance should be ongoing whether you do it yourself or ideally, with a professional plumber. Many professionals offer reasonable rates for regular drain maintenance.