Risparmia acqua aggiornando gli impianti idraulici della tua casa


In many municipalities, there is a growing concern about water. In some areas, water rationing is becoming increasingly common during summer months or dry periods. In other areas, a decreasing availability of water has resulted in an increase in water and waste water rates. Even if you live in an area that has not experienced these events, you may have the desire to conserve water and live a more eco-friendly lifestyle. There are a number of key steps that you can take to conserve water in your home. In the process, you can create a more environmentally-friendly water consumption system in your home and save money too.

Aerated or Low-Flow Faucets and Showerheads
Most of the water that you access comes from the faucets and showerheads. This is water that is used for cooking, cleaning, bathing and more. You can easily decrease water consumption by installing low-flow or aerated faucets and showerheads. These allow you to enjoy the force associated with turning the water on fully without wasting water unnecessarily.

With Each Flush
Whether your home has a single occupant, a half a dozen occupants or more, the toilets in your home likely flush more than a few times a day. With each flush, water is whisked away, and fresh water is replaced in both the bowl and the tank. You can install low-flow toilets throughout your home to conserve water as you flush the toilet. The water savings associated with these toilets can be substantial. Some can reduce the water consumption by as much as half or more with each flush.

Hot Water Savings
A tankless hot water heater can also be installed in your home to save water as well as to reduce heating costs. It is common for people to let their shower or bath water run for several minutes to heat up before they begin bathing. This can waste a significant amount of water. A tankless hot water heater delivers hot water on demand and without the need to let the water run through in order to heat up. This upgrade also saves heating energy because energy is not needed to maintain heated water in a tank. Instead, water is heated only as it is used.

Conserving water is a great way to lead a more eco-friendly life, and it can save you money on your water bill too. While some homeowners have the plumbing skills necessary to make these improvements on their own, you can make these improvements more easily by calling a professional plumber to your home. A plumber can perform all of the upgrades needed, and you can start enjoying the benefits associated with conserving water right away.