Servizi igienici ADA


The design of the toilet has mostly remained unchanged. However, through the years, some innovations have changed the way it works, no matter how subtle. The modern toilet has the same function as its older counterparts, but is much more efficient and comfortable.

The Unified Plumbing Code toilet, or the UPC toilet is the most commonly used toilet since it complies with the plumbing code of most houses and buildings. It is very simple and it does a great job as it has stringent requirements for the installation and the water usage. It creates a guideline for some township inspectors to look for. Although UPC commodes are not required in most places and are not that common, some new construction homes do require this.

The American Disabilities Act toilet, or the ADA toilet is mostly used in places where disabled people often go. They are also installed in special restrooms designed for the disabled. The ADA toilet is built with the safety of the user in mind. It does not have sharp edges that may hurt the user, and it also comes with a handrail to help the user when sitting down or standing up.

According to ADA 4.16.3 the seat height should be at least 17 “from the floor. This is also well known as comfort height.

Although ADA relates to people with disabilities, most people (even short people) would actually prefer a comfort height toilet. Not only does the commode look more attractive, this is becoming a standard request in all new construction. More of the toilets in the stores are comfort height because it is becoming an ever increasing demand among consumers.

The high efficiency toilet is now slowly replacing the UPC toilet as it is, as the name suggests, highly efficient. This type of toilet uses significantly less water, saving the average user money as well as energy. Be careful to look at the flush parameters or any flush videos of the toilet before purchasing it. Many of the high efficiency toilets do not flush well and most people just flush it twice, which wastes more water than a single normal flush. This evidently defeats the purpose of the low flush, which is to save water.

The comfort toilet is built for people who want to stay comfortable while using the bathroom. It is highly ergonomic, and it even comes with cushion sometimes to make sure that the user is provided the best comfort. Some comfort toilets even have washers to facilitate the user in cleaning. The comfort toilet is generally more expensive than the regular toilet.