Soffioni e servizi igienici a basso flusso: cosa sono e sono realmente vantaggiosi?


In 1992, the Energy Policy Act was passed, stating that all new toilets should use only 1.6 gallons per flush (GPF). Until then, many toilets were using around 3.5 gallons per flush. Installing a low-flow toilet and other plumbing fixtures that reduce your water usage not only reduces your water bill, but also benefits the environment.

If I Have Old Plumbing Fixtures, How Much Water Do I Use?

If your home does not have any low-flow plumbing fixtures installed, each member of your family could use up to 27,000 gallons of water per year. For a family of four, that is 108,000 gallons. 30 percent of that is used just by flushing the toilet. That’s about 10 swimming pools or 2,160 bath tubs full of water.

Kermit Was Wrong. It Is Easy Being Green.

Think green. That’s a slogan that you hear and see everywhere. One of the easiest changes that we can make as environmentally conscious individuals is to alter our rate of water usage. Toilets are not the only way that water usage can be reduced. Low-flow showerheads, sink fixtures and appliances can make a huge difference.

In one minute, a standard shower head uses an average of 7 gallons of water, a running faucet uses about 3 gallons, and a standard washing machine uses between 40 and 55 gallons of water per load. If you replace each of these with a water-saving device, your water usage would change dramatically. The new average water use would be 2.5 gallons per minute for the shower head, the running faucet would be reduced to 2 to 2.5 gallons per minute, and the washing machine would be cut by more than half at 18 to 25 gallons per load.

Are We Really Reducing Our Water Usage?

According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), in 1990, the average American was responsible for the use of 105 gallons of water per day. That figure was the same as in 1985. This means that even though society was becoming more aware of the environmental harm that overuse of water resources was causing, there was very little change. As of 2013, in homes that have low-flow fixtures and appliances, water usage per person averages 50 to 70 gallons per day. That saves the environment as well as reduces the water bill. The states with the highest water consumption historically and today are California, Texas and Florida.

Today’s plumbing technology is used to manufacture toilets, fixtures and appliances that reduce the amount of water that they use while still providing great results. If your home was built prior to 1992, have a professional plumber evaluate your plumbing system and see what can be done to limit your water usage. The long-term savings add up and it can increase the value of your home. Only 1 percent of the world’s water is fresh and available for use, so use it wisely.