Sostituzione del tubo senza scavo: quattro vantaggi per nessuna riparazione di scavo


It’s bad enough when a pipe bursts or water line leaks, but even worse when contractors have to rectify the issue by digging up your yard. Your luscious lawn will be left a mess of mud and dirt, and you’ll shell out more money to remedy the landscape. Thankfully, technology has offered a water and sewer repairs option that doesn’t require your yard to be destroyed.

Trenchless pipe replacement is becoming a popular method of alleviating sewage and water lines issues. This method is able to repair leaks and cracks without having to excavate the pipe, meaning yards, driveways and sidewalks won’t need restored. Contractors use different no dig – also known as hydraulic pipe laying and fitting – technologies to complete this process, with some of the more popular being from companies like Nu Flow and TricTools, to install pipe liners, which uses the old pipe as a way to form a new pipe.

There are many advantages to opt for trenchless repairs, replacement or installation, including:
1. Decreased destruction. It used to be all one could do was to get a backhoe and start digging. However, with modern machines, contractors can do all the work underground. The only holes dug are small ones at each pipe’s end, to allow the machinery to install the liner.

2. Less time. This means less of a work order. Most time with trenched repairs is actually spent digging the hole, but this factor is removed with all the no-dig work being done underground. Also, standard pipe repairs work could be delayed if an issue is found, as the trench would need to be widened, requiring additional time and cost. Trenchless machines use sensors to detect solid objects like pipes, foundations or tree roots. This helps to alter the pipe’s course if necessary

3. Interruptions are cut back. Traditional water and sewer line work meant the affected would have to find somewhere else to park and place lawn decorations while the work was being performed. The pipe machines utilized don’t make for traffic headaches, and mean you don’t have to place in storage any of your belongings.

4. Cleaner water. Your drinking water will be cleaner and healthier once a new liner is installed. Breaks and cracks are usually telltale signs of mold, dirt and bacteria.

These advantages pose a less stressful and more cost effective means of repairs. No-dig repairs can be done in any weather and are sure to make the neighbors happy, as their properties won’t be disturbed during the process.