Il processo di decomposizione nel sistema delle fosse settich


If you cannot depend on the centralized municipal sewage treatment to handle your wastewater then you need to construct your own septic tanks system. In the long run it may be more economical to have your own septic tanks system because if you are connected to the community sewer then you need to pay a monthly bill. It can be effective for many years especially if it is properly maintained. The proper maintenance may require regular pumping out of the system. Though this may require some cost it is still cheaper than being connected to the main sewer provided by the community.

Basically, septic tanks are made and constructed of concrete, plastic or fibreglass that is watertight and must be leak-free. It is buried under the ground but has an inlet and outlet pipes as opening. The inlet opening is connected to the pipes inside the house that will transport the wastewater from the house to the system. As the wastewater enters the tank, it will be separated into three layers. The top layer is where the floating solids are found that comprise the oils, fats and grease. The bottom layer is where the heavy solids will settle. The middle layer will comprise the liquid or the effluents.

The septic tanks have its own system where it contains natural killing bacteria that digest the solids inside and turn it into liquid or gas. The solids will be decomposed, however, the solid that are not decomposed will settle at the bottom where they will accumulate. To help maintain the septic tanks systems functioning well for a long time the system must be pumped out. This is necessary since the system is buried in the ground. You will only know that it is no longer working efficiently if there are back ups and foul odour that you notice coming out from your plumbing fixtures. Do not wait for this to happen. Have your tanks inspected by a professional and they will know whether pumping out is already needed.

At the drainfield where the effluent will be discharged the wastewater will be further filtered. The drainfield is composed of network of perforated pipes laid on the underground around 2 to 3 feet in depth. The perforated pipes are set on the bed of stones and gravels. The effluents that are released from the septic tanks system will be evenly transported in the pipes and will slowly trickle on the gravels and stones. The effluents will be further filtered as it goes through the soil because of the presence of microbes in the soil. These microbes will eliminate the impurities in the liquid before it goes down to the groundwater.

The maintenance of the septic tanks system must start from the house. This means that you should avoid overfilling your tanks by not throwing trash and flushing it in the system. You must not put your garbage such as paper towels, disposable diapers, sanitary napkins, coffee grounds, cigarette butts, and other solids that may clog your system. Also avoid flushing liquids with harsh chemicals such as paints, thinner, gasoline and the likes that may harm the helpful bacteria inside the system.